So there's progress on the book -- and there's progress on the move to a new house. Yesterday, I picked out the tile for my kitchen backsplash (that's the stuff on the wall above the kitchen counter; the term is typical HGTV talk). I'm putting dark grout between the tiles. I detest white tiles with white grout. It ends up looking like a cheap plastic panel that came from China. Black or grey grout makes the tiles pop. So I'm quite happy. (The tiles are 2x4". The larger ones are great for showers but I think in a kitchen, this is the right size.)
Beyond this, baseball is back! Like a rejuvenating balm, the games are washing over me and wiping away the world's sins. I am clean and renewed. And Jeebus had nuthin' to do with it. Yay!
Anyway, I'll be posting when I can. But mostly I want to knock out that book. Someone has to, right? And if not me...