Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Another take on whether we're real

In a post called "Is the 'real me' real?", Frank Wilson ponders the central question of human reality: what is consciousness? It's just a short dip in the pool but I enjoyed reading it. The comments were interesting, too, though god-talk surfaced at the end, like flies drawn to a body. The answer is never god, people. Unless the question is "what doesn't exist yet wastes more human energy than anything else?"

If you'd like an interesting read, try Wilson's post. If nothing else, it will reassure you that there are other thinking people out there. You are not alone; it only seems that way.

By the way, I found this on a blog called When Falls the Coliseum: A Journal of American Culture [or Lack Thereof]. It seems like an interesting site and I've tossed the link into my regular blog-batch folder. Click on the site name to get there.

PS: Art by Carmine. I like this half-collapsed lady.