Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Popey guy likes pedophile bishop

So the popey guy let another pedophile bishop off the hook. What a shock, huh? You can click this link to visit the NYT story. Here's an excerpt:
"If the pope can't ever bring himself to say 'this man is being demoted because he enabled pedophile priests to hurt kids,' then there's little real chance for internal reform." 
Duh. Yeah. The Roman Catholic Church is a well-organized pedophile machine and that's all there is to it. Mind you, the popey guy might get scared by all the publicity and do something, you know, right in this instance. But to date, he hasn't. And if he only does the right thing when a spotlight is shone on a single incident by the press, that's not a policy that will protect kids. But then, protecting kids has never been a goal of the Roman Catholic church.