Sunday, August 14, 2011

The edit goes well

I've almost finished my latest edit of Xmas Carol. It sounds great, just the way I want it to. I can't even guess how many times I've edited the book now. I wonder if I'll soon be able to recite it by memory, the way the people in "Farenheit 451" could recite their assigned books. It's been a long haul.

This time through, I still found plot errors such as characters knowing things before they logically could. It flat-out amazes me that I didn't pick these things up in prior passes through the book. But I didn't, and that's a fact. It seems that when you clear away the chaff, you see things that had been hidden by all the weeds. In any case, I fixed the problems. I'm halfway through chapter 11 (of 12), so I'm almost there.

After that, one more time through the book will do it. On the next pass, I plan to cut every word that doesn't further the plot. What's left will be the final book. Xmas Carol is coming. Hang on.