Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Exciting Xmas Carol news (maybe)

There's a possibility that the talented Casey of casey/artandcolour will do the cover for Xmas Carol. I would be thrilled if he did. He's got such great artistic sense. For now, he's agreed to read the book and see "what comes into [his] head". That's not exactly a promise to produce a cover but I'm hopeful.

The prospect of having an official cover makes the book seem real, which is a heady thing for a first-time author. Here's hoping Xmas Carol charms the hell out of Casey. Because let's face it -- the cover is what attracts us to a book. I hope some of the magic I tried to pour into Xmas Carol inspires him, as I hope it inspires every reader. Guess I'll find out soon.

As I say, exciting news (maybe)!