Sunday, January 9, 2011

Blogger quirks that drive me nuts

Overall, blogger (or blogspot) seems to be a nice place to set up digs. But it does have its irritating quirks. If you blog, do these things drive you crazy too?

Magic paragraph spacing
Extra spaces appear randomly between paragraphs. Sometimes there's a huge space between each of them. At other times, only between some. You try to axe the spaces but they just migrate. When you go back to look at your post, there's a space in another place. This can go on for some time and it drives me crazy. 

Only being able to upload photos now and then
This isn't the worst thing ever since you can always upload photos by mailing them to your blog. Still, why is a simple task like uploading a sometime thing at Blogger? 

Ever-changing Stats
I like the idea of statistics for the blog. But they don't really tell you anything you can trust. Stats might say you had 35 visitors today, but when you look the next day, it says only one person visited the day before. And they change throughout the day. I find that late in the day, you get meager stats. But early on, you think your blog is a happening thing. Why can't they be accurate? 

The skewing of audience stats because of Next Blog
I mentioned the other day here about the "Next Blog" button up on top of the page. People apparently click it. Why, I've even done it a few times. This brings random visitors -- and a skewing of the statistics. I've already written about my bitter sorrow upon finding out I'm not a hit in Somalia, after all. Kill the Next Blog button. Random people don't want to visit your blog, so why invite them in? Every blog is a special interest blog and you only want folks from within that group -- be it parents, sane people, religious nutjobs, atheists, liberal folks or nuns -- to visit your blog.

Does anything else drive you nuts here? Mind you, as I said at the outset, I'm also happy to be here. These may drive me a bit nuts at times, but they're really minor irritations in the long run.  We get a blog out of it, and that makes it worth the aggravation.