Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A toast in Rome: the wicked witch is dead

ROME (Reuters) - Across the road from the Colosseum, the ancient Roman stadium consecrated as a holy Christian site, clients at a busy bar are raising a glass to the pope: toasting the departure of the worst Church leader they can imagine.

For drinkers in Rome's best known gay bar, Benedict's abdication is a blessing. "He was less human than the last one," said Flavia Servadei...


In December, the pope welcomed Ugandan parliament speaker Rebecca Kadaga, one of the proponents of a bill that, in its first draft, sought to impose the death penalty on gays.


"The college of cardinals is made up of very old people - a male chauvinist gerontocracy," said Grillini. "So we have no illusion about a new pope having more moderate views about civil rights and homosexuality."
Yes, the future pope will undoubtedly be an anti-gay nightmare. But there is heartfelt thanks that this evil pope's reign is ending. Benedict will enter the pantheon of past popes as one of the least popular leaders the church has ever known. This is only fair. The man is a hate-filled beast.

Hat tip to Artichoke Annie for the link.