Yes, of course I'm still editing
Xmas Carol. I will until the day I publish the book. But this post is about hardware.
to my surprise, I find that using my iPod Touch and Macbook Air, I'm
able to edit very efficiently. What I do is send the book to the iPod
Touch, where I read it in iBooks. The shocking thing is that I can grasp
the text much better on the Touch screen, compared to seeing it in
Scrivener, my writing program. It's just easier to grok. I'm not sure
any case, I read the book on the Touch and when I find something I want
to change, I do it on the Air in Scrivener. Now and then, I turn the
Scrivener file into a fresh file for iBooks and check the changes to see
if they read well. As a result of this seemingly simple process, I'm
doing the best editing I've ever done. The book sounds much, much
Any other writers out there? What tricks do you use when editing?